The Mid-Norfolk Railway Preservation Trust is a registered Charity and therefore depends on the generous donations from the public to help keep East Anglia's Longest Heritage Railway running.
Over the last few years to cost of materials and labour has dramatically increased which in turn has caused heritage railways across the United Kingdom to start appeals for a variety of work that has to be undertaken to keep Britians Heritage Railways running. The MNR launched such an appeal in 2023 to allow to the renewal of the waybeams at Crownthorpe Bridge.
If you would like to donate there are various ways:
Donate online with a debit or credit card - click here
Make a donation directly at either Dereham or Wymondham Ticket Offices when we are running.
Make a Bank Transfer via BACS:
Account Name: MNRPT​
Account No: 52109003
Account Sort Code: 60-07-47
Reference: Donation
Send us a cheque via the post:
Payable to: MNRPT
Post to: The Mid-Norfolk Railway, Railway Station, Station Road, Dereham, Norfolk, NR19 1DF
Naming The Mid-Norfolk Railway Preservation Trust as a beneficiary of a gift in your will.
Charity Information:
Registered Name: The Mid-Norfolk Railway Preservation Trust
Registered Office: The Railway Station, Dereham, Norfolk, NR 19 1DF
Registered Charity Number: 1046931