"One thing about trains: it doesn't matter where they're going. What matters is deciding to get on."
The Mid-Norfolk Railway is pleased to announce that the amazing train ride to the North Pole is back for 2024 and tickets will be available to purchase on Tuesday 23rd April from 10am onwards.
Join us for a magical journey where you will be entertained by our Chefs and The Conductor on board.
Keep warm with your delicious hot chocolate and cookie, but remember to keep looking out for the big man himself!
Tickets can be purchased only online via our website at www.midnorfolkthepolarexpressride.com
Well, you coming?
THE POLAR EXPRESS and all related characters and elements © & ™ Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. (s24) This event is run by The Mid-Norfolk Railway (Trading) Ltd. Company number: 10731804. Registered office: The Railway Station, Station Road, Dereham, Norfolk, NR19 1DF. Trading as the Mid-Norfolk Railway. All profits from the event are used to further the aims of The Mid-Norfolk Railway Preservation Trust.